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Extract an item and/or its value from an array of collections

Cover Image for Extract an item and/or its value from an array of collections
From an Array of Collections (Names, Emails, IDs), you can extract an item (Email) and/or extract the value of an item (a specific email) using functions.
written by Greg Vonf
Greg Vonf

Software used in this automated workflow example



From an Array of Collections (Names, Emails, IDs), you can extract an item (Email) and/or extract the value of an item (a specific email) using functions. This can be useful when you need to work with data that is organized in a specific way, such as when extracting information from a list of customers or when dealing with complex data structures.

Detailed explanations

Step by step instructions

  1. Add the "Array of Collections" trigger.

  2. Add the "Extract Item" action.

  3. In the "Array" field, select the "Array of Collections" trigger.

  4. In the "Item" field, select the "Email" field.

  5. In the "Index" field, select "0" to extract the first item in the array.

  6. Save and run the scenario.

Business use case example

This scenario can be used to extract an email from an array of collections, for example to send a welcome email to new subscribers.

Try ready to use workflow template

Extract an item and/or its value from an array of collections with (formerly Integromat)